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Ikšķile, Skolas iela 15, Latvija
+371 20023905
+371 26148875


Heat pumps

We have begun working with Sprsun, a Chinese company with 20 years of experience making heat pumps. Given the current increase in energy prices, and even more so, concerns about the availability of energy resources, it is important to provide an alternative system to generate heat.

Fill in this short questionnaire to determine what capacity model you need:



In return, you will find out the heat capacity of the system you need. For air-to-water heat pumps, you need a device with higher capacity, to compensate for the reduction in its capacity as the outdoor temperature falls.


Custom solution
Quick implementation
Remote system control


What are the types of heat pumps?
Water to air - this heat pump takes the energy needed for heating and producing hot water from the air outdoors. Water to water - this heat pump takes the energy needed for heating and producing hot water from a circuit buried in the ground, with possible other solutions that can also be installed, such as waste water or rainwater tanks;
What are the differences between the types of heat pumps?
The capacity of air-to-water heat pumps changes depending on the outdoor air temperature: as it decreases, the capacity of the heat pump drops in proportion. Fluctuations in the rated power of water-to-water heat pumps depends on changes in the ground temperature and are much smaller. As the ground cools down in winter, the efficiency of the heat pump may decrease slightly. Ūdens-Ūdens siltumsūkņa nominālās jaudas svārstības atkarībā no grunts temperatūras izmaiņām ir daudz mazākas, atdziestot gruntij ziemas periodā, nedaudz var samazināties siltusmūkņa lietderības koeficients.
What are the benefits of installing a heat pump?
A heat pump is an electric heating device that produces heat from renewable energy sources - ground, air, river water, waste water, meaning that this device has no limits set on the amount of fuel, unlike the systems using gas, coal, or firewood, which can run out and have to be replenished again.
How does one measure the efficiency of a heat pump?
The efficiency of a heat pump is measured by dividing the heat energy it produces by the electricity it consumes.
Is it profitable to install a heat pump in combination with solar panels?
When choosing a heat pump as an alternative to an existing gas, firewood, or pellet heating system, you should expect an increase in electricity consumption, about 35% of the traditional fuel currently consumed in the building per year, in which case, the installation of solar panels is beneficial, with a reasonable time for this investment to pay off.
How much is the cost of the heat produced by the heat pump affected by the price of electricity on the exchange?
If the consumer buys electricity at a dynamic rate tied to the fluctuation of the price of the electricity exchange, it is important to produce the heat energy at the time of the day when the exchange price is the lowest, keeping the energy in the thermal storage, which can significantly reduce the monthly heating bill.
Does the temperature in the heating system affect the efficiency of the heat pump?
The heat pump is a low-temperature heating device, and the higher the heating flow temperature, the more electricity the heat pump will consume, thus reducing its efficiency. The optimal solution to combine with a heat pump is underfloor heating or heaters with a large heated surface area.

Contact us

Choose the capacity of the heat pumps for your building and let us know so that we can offer you a cost estimate!

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Ikšķile, Skolas iela 15, Latvia

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