AboutOur technology will save you money
We are a team that had an idea in 2015, an idea that has grown into something bigger. We are ready to tell the world of a device that generates green energy!
We have created a range of equipment that recovers thermal energy from waste water, which you can use either to cool the interior of your building, or to accumulate heat in a storage tank whenever energy costs less, or is available from the sun.
Our team includes doctors of science, experienced practitioners, and programmers, capable of combining a wide variety of technologies in a single system.
We make technologies that help the world become a better place! We’ve started with Latvia and we aim to reach the entire world.
for a greener future!

MissionOur mission is to promote the use of renewable energy and build a greener future!
S plus offers advice for setting up an optimal energy supply model for your building; it develops micro-generation electric systems (solar parks) from design to organising the construction; it selects energy supply devices (air-water, water-water heat pumps) of appropriate capacity and then delivers and installs them; the company installs unique waste water heat recovery systems, sets up the systems for the production and circulation of hot water in buildings, as well as indoor cooling in the summer; it has created a unique building energy management system, with which your residential building will enjoy the lowest costs of energy, generated from renewable energy resources.
Unique experience Our knowledge will free up funds for the development of your business
The knowledge and experience that S plus has accumulated is unique on a global scale. We will help you prepare for the energy crisis with technologies that will enable you to completely abandon expensive fossil fuel energy.

We appreciateNorway grants project
On February 3, 2022, the company “S plus” has concluded an agreement with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for the implementation of the project “Development of a Prototype of Innovative Wastewater Heat Exchanger” by receiving a grant in the amount of 127’750,00 EUR from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Program. The aim of this project is to develop a prototype of an innovative wastewater heat exchanger WWH-REC, to test it and to study its adaptation possibilities in the existing infrastructure in Latvia and Norway.
The company is actively implementing a project co-financed by the Norwegian financial instrument program “Development of a Prototype of Innovative Wastewater Heat Exchanger”, within the framework of which the production of the prototype has been started. The creation of the prototype is carried out both by the company’s employees, and a contract has been concluded with the construction partner SIA “Mitarons” which was selected as part of the price survey. Assembly, installation and adjustment works of the equipment are currently underway. The service provider has started preparations for the construction of the waste water heat exchange apparatus.
The company continues the implementation of the project co-financed by the Norwegian financial instrument program ” Development of a Prototype of Innovative Wastewater Heat Exchanger”. The creation of the prototype is heading to the final stages – all the necessary materials and components have been delivered to the implementation site, while the selected construction partner SIA “Mitarons” has performed the previously planned works, i.e. construction of waste water heat exchange apparatus, installation of sewage pump control mechanisms in the tank, connection of hot water preparation and accumulation tank, installation of heat meters for heating and hot water, as well as for indoor cooling, installation of fecal pumps and flushing valves, and other binding construction works.
Currently, within the framework of the project, the creation of the prototype is moving into the final phase, when the created prototype will be perfected with the development of the control unit and the individually adaptive software, which will be developed by the IT company “Amitum”.
The company continues the implementation of the project co-financed by the Norwegian financial instrument program “Development of a Prototype of Innovative Wastewater Heat Exchanger”. The technical creation of the prototype has been completed, the development of the software required for the prototype and the search for parameters to ensure stable operation of the prototype are currently ongoing. Control unit and control unit extension models selected within the last five months, incl. created and configured development and testing environment. Also, the initial configuration and connection of the control unit and modules was made, as well as the visualization of the software sections was created. It is planned to complete the development of the prototype software by the end of the year, so that testing and error prevention can be carried out at the beginning of 2024.
The company plans to finish the implementation of the project co-financed by the Norwegian financial instrument program “Development of a Prototype of Innovative Wastewater Heat Exchanger”. The development of the software required for the prototype will soon be completed – a control unit has been developed in recent months, which has been supplemented with a Modbus connection for integration with other systems, and the control unit and extension modules have also been assembled in a distribution cabinet. A web-based approach to historical data and reports has been developed. Also, system algorithms (automation and control scenarios) have been developed and a settings section for operating algorithms has been developed so that testing and error prevention can be carried out at the beginning of 2024.
The company has concluded the implementation of the project “Development of a Prototype of Innovative Wastewater Heat Exchanger” by receiving a grant in the amount of 127’750,00 EUR from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Program. Within the project a prototype of an innovative wastewater heat exchanger WWH-REC was developed and tested. Additionally, a study of its adaptation possibilities in the existing infrastructure in Latvia and Norway was carried out.
During the last months of the project implementation an active collaboration with Riga Technical University were envisaged by carrying out laboratory testing of the WWH-REC prototype plant and development of proposals to improve the efficiency of the plant.
Riga Technical University is the leading institute in the fields of building engineering systems and energy efficiency of buildings. One of the main research directions is the study of the infrastructure elements of populated areas. The team of Riga Technical University consists of certified industry professionals and experienced teaching personnel with strong Project administration skills and research capacity. Riga Technical University is an active participant in international Projects, which allows to constantly improve the learning process. Scientific papers of the Riga Technical University specialists are published in international citable peer-reviewed journals.

Supported by Norway through the Norway Grants
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe
Project name: Development of a Prototype of Innovative Wastewater Heat Exchanger
Project Number: NP-2022/4
Programme: Norwegian Financial Mechanism’s 2014-2021 Programme “Business Development, Innovation and SME’s”
Open call for proposals: Small grant scheme “Development of green industry innovation and ICT products”
Co-financing beneficiary: Limited liability company “S plus”
Project partner: Bjørn Naustvik
Total project’s eligible costs: 182’500,09 EUR
Grant funding: 127’750,06 EUR
Project purpose: To develop a prototype of an innovative wastewater heat exchanger WWH-REC, to test it and to study its adaptation possibilities in the existing infrastructure in Latvia and Norway.
Place of project implementation: Skolas street 10, Ikskile, Ogre district, LV-5052
Project implementation period: 24 months (1 March 2022 to 28 February 2024)
Contact person: Kaspars Grinbergs, phone: 26148875, e-mail: kgrinbergs@gmail.com; info@splus.lv
Further information about the programme: www.eeagranti.lv
We appreciateAbout Norway grants
The Norway Grants and the EEA Grants represent Norway’s contribution towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
Through the Norway Grants and the EEA Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Together with the other donors, Norway has provided €3.3 billion through consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014.
Norway Grants are financed solely by Norway and are available in the countries that joined the EU after 2003. For the period 2014-2021, the Norway Grants amount to €1.25 billion. The priorities for this period are:
- Innovation, Research, Education, Competitiveness and Decent Work
- Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction
- Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy
- Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance and Fundamental Rights
- Justice and Home Affairs
PartnersPartners helping produce innovations